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(1 edit) (+5)


The second our mom called us anak (it means child in tagalog and is smth parents call their kids) I was like HOLD THE PHONE WHAAAAT. It'd be cool if we met the younger brother and he called us kuya or ate (older brother or sister depending on who you play as) lol. Overall incredible game and I was just so happy to see my culture involved in such a great game. Amazing work <33


Omg YAY I was waiting for someone to recognise that!!! Yep, canonically Quinn/MC is Filipino (as is yours truly)!!! You have no idea how happy this comment has made me :D

As for meeting the younger brother, unfortunately he is past the age of being respectful towards his elders (being a preteen and all)... The only time he would call us Ate or Kuya is if your mom forced him to XD (he's kinda based on my real life younger brother, who tbh hasn't called me Ate  in years XDDD)

Thank you so much for playing!!!  So glad you enjoyed it sm <333333


DUDE IM the one who's glad u added it lmao. All my siblings are still young enough to call me ate and lowkey I'm scared of them getting older and calling me by my real name (we've decided to gaslight the youngest into thinking my real name is ate lol) and its AWESOME to meet a fellow Filipino, especially a game creator!! Can't wait to see what you come out with next <333


OHHH! That's so coollllll. That's that question answered. I was gonna look it up after I finished my last run. I'm a little stumped on 7, though so I probably would've forgotten.


Love the game the art is amazing and the story is so good. So far have to get the other endings.

AHHHHHHHHH I CANT BELIEVE YOU MADE A PLAYTHROUGH ON IT!!!!! Thank you so much for playing <3


THIS IS SO GOOD  Liev is such a well written character and i love how the dialogue is written and everything about this vn!!! It's got me so hooked and I love the art too!! Great job :D

(3 edits) (+2)

i love this game a lot. am glad that its different from the other yandere games. I litterly cried while playing this game. Liev's story hit close to home.  it's great game.

How is it different from other yandere games? I haven't played this but I love yandere VNs . They can be long af though so if I can get the vibe before I start one it always helps.



but can someone please tell me how to get ending 5 im so dumb but i got all the other endings so yay BUT PLEASE SOMEONE TELL ME HOW TO GET ENDING 5


Get affection to be negative (like, very negative), then at the bully scene, choose to do nothing, after that, when the next choice menu pops up, choose to run away.

(1 edit) (+1)

I JUST FINISHED THE GAME AND OMG. I LOVED IT SO MUCH. The backstory, the endings, and usually the yanderes in visual novels aren't really blunt about their behavior to the MC so seeing Leiv just bluntly showing MC how crazy and obsessed he is so unique and different from anything I've seen AND IN THE BEGIN TOO?! I'm in love with the true ending, Leiv and MC are recovering together finally having the peace they both deserved. I was screaming and jumping when I saw the CG for that ending. I hope you make more games and/or make a continuation DLC (not forcing ofc). LOVE YOUR WORK!!!


Hello, excuse me, could you tell me how to get the true ending, which is number 6 if I remember correctly, please


Honestly as long as u have 6-7 affection  points it should trigger the event (this is after achieving ending 5) hope that helps!!


oki oki thanks!!!!! i love u




ABSOLUTELY LOVED THIS GAME!!! got all the endings except the true end idk where you get those points </3 But AHHHHH I absolutely love Leiv he's such a compelling character i need to dissect him NEOWWWW!!! I love a yandere game that's extra scary and bro was FREAKING ME OUT THE WHOLE TIME AHHHH This game is so well done the writing is so good AND THE ART ATRATHAYAGGFJUIEONEW. also i love how in the preferences menu it's still the first title screen and then you go back to the creepy one after you first play the game IT'S SUCH A NICE TOUCHHHH ARARARARAGGAAGHH PEAK YANDERE GAME 10/10 WAS SCARED SHITLESS 💗💗💗



I haven't been more excited to play the full version of a game I played years ago and it still is as amazing, tension filled, and intriguingly written as i remember!!!♥♥♥♫♪

I find myself struggling to get ending 3B, ending 4, and ending 5 :( any assistance would be very welcome!!!!

For me this worked. For ending 5, get affection points as negative as possible, then at the bully scene, chose "Do nothing" or actually do nothing at all, after that, you get another pair of choices, here chose "Run away".

(1 edit)

how do I get the 3B ending?

And as for my review, this, was perfect just- when I got updated on the full release of this game I had been keeping my eye on when it was still in development months ago, oh man the excitement was indescribable and was I glad to finally remember (after forgetting to in the occupied few weeks on my mind) and got to play it! I think the fifth end was the true end; la chance or something like it just gave that hopeful, not too much unrealistic to future that things maybe could work out with each characters' baggage carried and supported on together, I really loved it:D

The social anxiety simulator, his dropping and switching behaviours and taking into consideration the backgrounds of the amusement park that reminded me of some places I have visited in my own country... It kinda hit home and really did a good job stressing me out in that unnerving sense of blurred control mingling with the setting! Really glad that the game didn't seem to 'punish' the player's anxiety (as far as I remember). Lived up to both the romance and horror aspect! Exceeded my expectations, plus his expressions and poses matched like those top notch yandere's spiraling blend of manic, desperation, madness (I digged it hard), cherry on top of everything. Took up to like 23 screenshots proved how much I liked it (like any other game of my favs that propelled the urge to keep the memorable or adorable scenes).

Besides that, there's just some overlapping texts when seen back in log like these sentences, thought I should let you know as notice if you haven't...


Aw, it was so nice to play this game again after all these years. Immediately I was reminded of how much I loved it when it was first a demo! 

Loved Liev but Quinn was such a standout omg. So well-written and I loved how we got to explore their conflicts and character development in nuance way within every ending we received. 

Seriously, great job! So glad to have played to its fullest!


Light spoiler!

I don't know who needs to hear this, but there is a scene where Liev plays with the plush you win at the arcade.

I don't remember how I got it, but it was such a cute scene!

(1 edit) (+1)

i remember when i first commented on the demo 2 yrs ago!! i can't believe i got to see the full product this game was amazing and worth the wait! i'm still trying to get the last two endings but this game is just mua perfect. this game just pours of your hard work and dedication! thank you for the yummy food and i love liev smsm hes such a cutie thank u again for such a great game!! <3 edit: i got the true ending this game is full of so much love i cant aaghh

Hello! Can't figure out how to get ending 2, could someone help me:(


The "Till death do us part"?

When Liev proposes, say No, then dodge to the left.

Oo~ so strange! For me, I had to go backwards.

Huh, oh well! How did you like the ending?


Gotta warn you, it'll be very sad.



I was finally able to complete all the endings, and oh my gosh! The true ending nearly made me cry!!

I remember playing this game when it was recently first released, and I remember how much I loved the game that I used to constantly check the website for updates! [This game actually kickstarted my love for horror VNs], and I just can't believe how the full game is already here! I'm very happy to say that the years waiting for this game were definitely worth it!! I loved seeing how your art improved over the years. I love how the story is realistically written and feels so genuine! 

A sequel would be a nice addition, but considering how life can get in the way of things, this game itself is already enough for me. I hope you feel proud of your hard work and the fans you gathered, and I hope you gain nothing but happiness in life! aaah! MWAH MWAH MWAH ILY AND THIS GAME SO MUCH AAAAAGHHH


This was so fun I got every ending in one sitting! I came for over-the-top yandere shenanigans and stayed for nuanced portrayals of mental illness. Liev is the star of the show obviously, but Quinn still had a unique personality even as a self-insert MC which made for a lot of great interactions between the two. I also played as the male MC and appreciated how it wasn’t a simple pronoun switch and the writing actually addressed issues unique to two boys dating. Overall, I really enjoyed playing, and I’m excited to see what comes next!! ^^

(Also you wouldn’t believe how happy I was when I saw Liev that reacts to you trying to name yourself after him! I love little easter eggs like that)


AHHHHHHH thank you so much nihomi, I'm so happy you were finally able to play the full version!! And I'm even happier that you liked it so much :)

I'll write about it in more detail in the postmortem/dev notes but yeah, that was the general aim of the game hehe, I've always wanted to delve deeper into the psychology of yanderes. 

I'm glad Quinn/MC's personality stood out to you! Yes, their interactions with Liev were incredibly fun to write - I got to channel my inner yandere and imagine standing up to one at the same time!! (weird flex but ok)

Also omg!! I never expected someone to play as both versions of Quinn/MC!! Ahhh I'm so glad you noticed all those things. 

(HEHEHEHE yay you noticed the easter egg as well!)

Thank you so much for your support!

helppppp I've been playing for 2 hours but I still cant get endings 4,5 and 6. does anyone know how to get them?


hello! I don't know if you got ending 4 already, but to get it, you need to have low affection points with him! from 0 to the negative numbers. When Liev is attacking the boys, you wait for the timer to run out. You'll receive an option to either "Make a run for it or "Stay and face him" if you pick "Make a run for it" you'll receive ending 4!


awhh i share my user with one of your ocs thats so cool! 


I didn't read the author's note at the bottom of this page, and I got a massive jumpscare when I saw Auckland. As a New Zealander who found this game, it came as a big surprise lmao

I'm still playing the game; I literally stopped midway through just to type this out. So far, I'm liking it :) Especially content about the fact the MC can also be male. Thank you for giving us the choice! My gay heart can soar freely <3

(1 edit) (+2)

plss this comment is so funny to me. i didn't know what you meant cuz i missed that part too and idk anything about New Zealand so i just assumed you were referring to the 

  • And most importantly, a cute , sweet boy with no issues whatsoever! ♡ 

part lol and that i just ignored the part about NZ


AYEEEEEEE A FELLOW KIWI!!! I'm always so happy when a fellow New Zealander finds PuCo haha. Hope you liked the lil jab at Auckland's housing market...

Thank you so much for playing! And I'm so so glad you're enjoying playing as male MC <3 to be completely honest, I can't recall seeing many other soft male yan x male mc vns around here...

Thank you so much for the support!!! <3

(1 edit) (+2)

AAAAAAAAA THE 2 YEAR WAIT WAS SO WORTH ITTTT!!!!!!! thank u for the food, i am forever grateful!! liev is such a silly little patootie wwwww,,, I have so many ideas!! would it be alright if i could write a fanfic about this once get the time to?? credit will be given as well as a link to the game ^^

Again, thank you so much for the full game, the endings are AMAZING!! unfortunately i got ending 2 first so i was beyond emotionally destroyed 😭😭😭


Hehehehe tyyyyy! I’m glad you enjoyed it so much (enough to be inspired to write a fic for my game???? Holy crap…..)

And yes, of course you can!! I would love to read it pretty plsplspls send the link to me (only if you want but also PLEASE)

I had to look at my planning docs to remember what ending 2 was… and oh dear. Yeah that ending was emotionally pretty difficult to write 😭 but I’m glad it was effective…? 😭😭

thank you so much for the support!!!


hello! I seem to be having this problem and it's not letting me collect the endings, any way to fix this?? 

Hi! So sorry about this, I'll upload a bugfix build really soon :)

alrighty! no rush! please Lemme know when you upload the bugfix!! :DD

Done :) devlog to follow very soon


I play this today, the artsyle is SO GOOD I also love how the story going overall I recommend ppl who want to play this game!!



I've been around for about a year waiting for this game to release and I'll tell you, it did NOT DISAPPOINT!! I love this game so much!! I love Liev and his personality!! This is the definitive yandere visual novel!! like no joke I have been thinking about this game all day 😍😍😍 And I'm proud to say it's a 5/5 stars (:

Great job! Now I'm gonna go finish the rest of the endings 😼


Can I make a edit of Liev using some assets from the game files? I loved playing the game so I just wanted to ask ^v^

Yes that’s totally fine, thank you for asking! ^^

And thank you so much for the support!!!!

(1 edit) (+1)

having fun with this game, love the story elements, sadly I haven’t gotten the two 13- f and 13 -m pics, im struggling lmao but still slay af 

edit: my friend got me through it on the first try this was slay


WUAHHHH I LOVE THIS GAME SO MUCH IM SO HAPPY I PLAYED IT... sigh, i wish i played this earlier and be able to call myself an og.. but either way, i had fun playing it! still is tbh, i could only get 4 endings but i am DETERMINED to get them all!! id love to see a walkthrough but it IS really fun to try to get all the endings and figuring them out... also, maybe it just me but whenever im playing a yandere dating sim/vn i am like "omg theyre so cute!... WAIT BRO i need to pipe down this fucker STALKED me!!!" okay, buuut enough about me yapping, i really love liev and im so glad i found this game! i would love to see more of your work in the future, sending you love!!! ^3^


Thank you so much for your support omg!!! And honestly, look at the bright side - you were spared a (very long) wait! If you need help on getting a specific ending lmk!!!!

And yesss haha, when playing a yandere VN it's a thin line between finding their actions really sweet and romantic and being like, "wtf wtf WTF this would not be okay in real life!" 

I'm so so happy that you love Liev!!!! (He loves you too) (He is also in your walls)

Sending you love back <3<3<3




hii !! is there a walkthrough for all the endings? <3


i'll go through all the endings and make one for you on like a google doc(unless the creator has any objections)

omg thank you !! 😭 <3333



Heya, no objections here!!


Please do, you'll be a godsent! TT


You're not kidding about this being a Social anxiety simulator hggggggg I love the game very much though! Congrats on the full release!


Thank you for your support! Quinn/MC's character is sorta based on my experiences having anxiety so I'm glad I was able to depict it accurately :>>> So glad you love the game!!!!!


wish there was a nonbinary option T__T

(1 edit) (+4)



Omg?? That is amazing. I'm so glad Quinn/MC's character resonated with you that much!!! Thank you so much for playing!!!!!


Cant believe is the full game! Thnak you, you did amazing!




I have yet to get all gallery ~.~

Heya! Glad you're enjoying the game. Any endings you're having trouble with? :o


i been playing some hours now(it was great)  and i got all the pices except pic 14 &15 someone help pls :<

(1 edit) (+4)

Heya! My hints are:

Pic 14 - Achieve between 5-7 affection across the whole date, but for the key choices after lunch (i.e. hold his hand, to keep or reject the plushie, to intervene or not do anything),  don't pick options that gain affection. The game allows you to pick up to TWO "adds affection" responses for post-lunch choices without triggering the true ending.

Pic 15 - Achieve between 5-7 affection across the whole date, and ensure that for all key post-lunch choices, you pick the responses that GAIN affection. Look out for times when Liev opens up about himself, that's a way to check that you're on the right track. 

Thank you so much for playing! I'm really glad you're enjoying it ^^


(1 edit) (+5)

Hi! First of all, YEY! This is finally out. Second, when I get an ending, this pops up: 

Is there a way to fix this?

Anywho, I really like the game so far!

P.S.: Also, it doesn't recognize that I got the ending.


just click ignore


Okay, but it still doesn't recognize that I got the ending.


Hi! So sorry about that, this bug has been reported and I’ll upload a bug fixing build sometime this week :))


lol i didnt even notice that

(1 edit) (+2)

it was wonderful! I would really like to know how our main characters are treated at school ( since they started dating publicly)  Could you, our wonderful author, write us a few lines about this? ^w^ in any case my heartfelt gratitude! Is there a way to thank you financially for those who live in russia? We have sanctions here with payments in the usual way

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